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Wei Yingwu: Summer Ice Song

Summer lce Song

夏 冰 歌
出 自 玄 泉 杳 杳 之 深 井
汲 在 朱 明 赫 赫 之 炎 辰。
九 天 含 露 未 销 铄
阊 阖 初 开 赐 贵 人。
碎 如 坠 琼 方 截 璐
粉 壁 生 寒 象 筵 布。
玉 壶 纨 扇 亦 玲 珑
座 有 丽 人 色 俱 素。
咫 尺 炎 凉 变 四 时
出 门 焦 灼 君 讵 知。
肥 羊 甘 醴 心 闷 闷
饮 此 莹 然 何 所 思。
当 念 阑 干 凿 者 苦
腊 月 深 井 汗 如 雨。
Xia Bing Ge

Shu zi xuan quan yao yao zhi shen jing
Ji zai zhu ming he he zhi yan chen.
Jiu tian han lu wei xiao shuo
Chang he chu kai ci gui ren.

Sui ru zhui qiong fang jie lu
Fen bi sheng han xiang yan bu.
Yu hu wan shan yi ling long
Zuo you li ren se ju su.

Zhi chi yan liang bian si shi
Chu men jiao zhuo jun ju zhi.
Fei yang gan li xin men men
Yin ci ying ran he suo si.
Dang nian lan gan zao zhe ku
La yue shen jing han ru yu.

Summer Ice Song

Naturally deep well, far away and hidden
Water drawn during the very hot and bright times of day.
Coldest part of winter contains dew not yet melted or evaporated
Palace gates with ice, only opens up to high-ranking people with the emperor’s gift.

Broken up into pieces like shards of fine jade
The power to chill walls and elephant tusks for a wonderful party.
Jade pots and round silk fans also delicately made
Beautiful ladies with fans quiet and not moving.

In a small room the hot and cold of the four seasons not felt
Occupants do not realize how very hot it is outside the doors.
Eat lamb, drink sweet wine out of season, heart-minds very subdued
Who can consider the implications of us drinking this cold and lustrous wine.
Should think of those who suffer when chiseling off these chunks of ice
inside deep and dangerous tunnels
In the depth of winter, their sweat falls like rain inside deep wells.

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