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Chinese Proverbs and Idioms for Describing Chinese Cities

Chinese proverbs and idioms are commonly used in daily conversations among the Chinese.There are dozens of these sayings that pertain to Chinese cities and provinces and knowing them can help you understand Chinese life and culture better.Not only that, but they also make great captions for your social media posts. Here are some famous Chinese proverbs and idioms that you can use to describe your travels around China. Beijing 1.不到长城非好汉。Bù dào Chángchéng fēi hǎo hàn. If you don't reach the…

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Discovering Zhuhai: A Beautiful and Affordable Study Destination in China

If you're considering studying in China, Zhuhai is definitely a city to consider. Located in Guangdong province, Zhuhai is known for its beautiful coastal scenery, mild climate, and excellent education resources. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you get started on your journey to studying in Zhuhai. Costs: The cost of living in Zhuhai is relatively affordable compared to other major cities in China. On average, a student can live comfortably on a budget of 2000-3000 RMB per month,…

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