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Du Fu: Express One’s Feelings and Aspirations: Five Poems: No. 2

Express One’s Feelings and Aspirations: Five Poems: No. 2

摇 落 深 知 宋 玉 悲
风 流 儒 雅 亦 吾 师。
怅 望 千 秋 一 洒 泪
萧 条 异 代 不 同 时。
江 山 故 宅 空 文 藻
云 雨 荒 台 岂 梦 思。
最 是 楚 官 俱 泯 灭
舟 人 指 点 到 今 疑。



Yao luo shen zhi song yu bei
Feng liu ru ya yi wu shi.
Chang wang qian qiu yi sa lei
Xiao tiao yi dai bu tong shi.

Jiang shan gu zhai kong wen zao
Yun yu huang tai qi meng si.
Zui shi chu guan ju min mie
Zhou ren zhi dian dao jin yi.


Express One’s Feelings and Aspirations: Five Poems: No. 2

Falling leaves, deeply know Song Yu’s compassion
His elegant, wind-flowing style also my teacher.
Disappointed, I gaze into the distance, one sheds tears for one
thousand autumns
We lived during different dynasties, yet our times bleak.

His house in these mountains and rivers lead to empty literary achievement
Think of dreams with clouds and rain, uncultivated around a tower.
But most of the government buildings have been destroyed and lost
My boatman pointed them out to me, yet I do not believe him.



Song Yu: (c. 319-298 BC) Traditional author of several poems in “Verses of Chu”.



Du Fu is on a day trip to find the area where one of his literary heroes, Song Yu, lived.  Du admits trying to use Song’s writing style as elegant and wind-flowing.  Although some of Sun’s work and reputation still remains, all of his house surrounding buildings are long gone.

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