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Su Dongpo: Remembering You In a Dream

Remembering You In a Dream

江 城 子: 乙 卯 正 月 二 十 日 夜 记 梦
十 年 生 死 两 茫 茫
不 思 量 , 自 难 忘 。
千 里 孤 坟, 无 处 话 凄 凉
纵 使 相 逢 应 不 识
尘 满 面 , 鬓 如 霜。
夜 来 幽 梦 忽 还 乡
小 轩 窗, 正 梳 妆。
相 顾 无 言, 惟 有 泪 千 行。
料 得 年 年 肠 断 处
明 月 夜 ,短 松 冈。
Jiang Cheng Zi: Yi Mao Zheng Yue Er Shi Ri Ye Ji Meng

Shi nian sheng si liang mang mang
Bu si liang, zi nan wang.
Qian li gu fen, wu chu hua qi liang.
Zong shi xiang feng ying bu shi
Chen man mian, bin ru shuang.

Ye lai you meng hu huan xiang
Xiao xuan chuang, zheng shu zhuang.
Xiang gu wu yan, wei you lei qian hang.
Liao de nian nian chang duan chu,
Ming yue ye, duan song gang.

Remembering You In a Dream

After ten years we are on opposite sides of life and death
What is between you and me is boundless and vast.
Do not have to try, the memories of you come naturally
Solitary grave hundreds of miles away, without your life and words,
life is cold and desolate.
Even though we know each other, if we should ever meet again,
you would not recognize me
Dust covers me face, and it is in my hair like frost.

Night arrives, in a dream I suddenly go back to our hometown
At the veranda window, you are placing your hair ornaments and
putting on make-up.
We look at each other without words, only have one thousand lines of tears
I expect that every year to have to deal with this heart-breaking time.
Bright moonlit night on the short pine trees along the ridge,
near me and also near your grave.



Written for his first wife, Huang Fo on 20 January 1075.

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