Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Su Dongpo: Written for Mr. Wang, Yan Lin’s Recorder, From His Painting of Broken Branches: Two Poems
Written for Mr. Wang, Yan Lin’s Recorder, From His Painting of Broken Branches: Two Poems
书 鄢 陵 王 主 簿 所 画 折 枝 :二 首
论 画 以 形 似
见 与 儿 童 邻。
赋 诗 必 此 诗
定 非 知 诗 人。
诗 画 本 一 律
天 工 与 清 新。
边 鸾 雀 写 生
赵 昌 花 传 神。
何 如 此 两 幅
疏 淡 含 精 匀。
谁 言 一 点 红
解 寄 无 边 春。
Shu Yan Ling Wang Zhu Bu Suo Hua She Zhi: Er Shou
Lun hua yi xing si
Jian yu er tong lin.
Fu shi bi ci shi
Ding fei zhi shi ren.
Shi hua ben yi lu
Tian gong yu qing xin.
Bian luan qiao xie sheng
Zhao chang hua chuan shen.
He ru ci liang fu
Shu dan han jing yun.
Shei yan yi dian hong
Jie ji wu bian chun.
瘦 竹 如 幽 人
幽 花 如 处 女。
低 昂 枝 上 雀
摇 荡 花 间 雨。
双 翎 决 将 起
众 叶 纷 自 举。
可 怜 采 花 蜂
清 蜜 寄 两 股。
若 人 富 天 巧
春 色 入 毫 楮。
悬 知 君 能 诗
Shou zhu ru you ren
You hua ru chu nu.
Di ang zhi shang qiao
Yao dang hua jian yu.
Shuang ling jue jiang qi
Zhong xie fen zi ju.
Ke lian cai hua feng
Qing mi ji liang gu.
Ruo ren fu tian qiao
Chun se ru hao chu.
Xuan zhi jun neng shi
Ji sheng qiu miao yu.
Written For Mr. Wang, Yan Ling’s Recorder, From His Painting of Broken Branches: Two Poems
People judge paintings by their realism,
Like the minds of children and country hicks.
People want prose poems all the time as well
Certainly do not understand poets.
One fundamental rule for painting and poetry
These are gifts into what is clear and new.
Bian Lulan’s sparrows painted from nature
Zhao Chang’s flowers convey spirit and energy.
What are your two pictures like
Your style is light, thin, refined and well balanced.
I like your sparing use of red
Your interpretation of spring is with a lot of feeling.
Slender bamboo like profound sages
Secluded flowers like young maidens.
Sparrows looking up, perched upon drooping branches
Separate blossoms sway in the rain.
With a burst of energy both wings take to the air
Numerous leaves fly in all directions.
Sympathize with bees tenderly touching the flowers
Pure honey depends upon two pollen-laden thighs.
Like people abundant with heaven’s cleverness and skill
Spring colors flow from your writing brush into the paper.
I can imagine your knowledge of poetry is vast as well
With good sounds and witty remarks.
Zhao Chang: Famous painter during the Northern Song Dynasty. Famous for painting flowers and fruit in the Flowers and Birds style popular at this time.
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