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Li Yu: Single Enduring Sorrow: (Waves Wash the Sand)

Single Enduring Sorrow: (Waves Wash the Sand)

  只 堪 哀: 浪 淘 沙
往 事 只 堪 哀
对 景 难 排。
秋 风 庭 院 藓 侵 阶。
一 任 珠 帘 闲 不 卷
终 日 谁 来!
金 锁 已 沉 埋
壮 气 蒿 莱。
晚 凉 天 净 月 华 开。
想 得 玉 楼 瑶 殿 影
空 照 秦 淮。
Lang Tao Sha

Wang shi zhi kan ai
Dui jing nan pai.
Qiu feng ting yuan xian qin jie.
Yi ren zhu lian xian bu juan
Zhong ri shei lai!

Jin suo yi chen mai
Zhuang qi hao lai.
Wan liang tian jing yue hua kai.
Xiang de yu lou yao dian ying
Kong zhao qin huai.


Single Enduring Sorrow: (Waves Wash the Sand)

Single enduring sorrow for past events
Difficult to cope with the arrangement of the scenery.
Autumn winds, pavilions and courtyards with encroaching moss on the steps
One room, pearled curtain leisure without any scrolls.

No one has been arriving before sunset!
My golden lock has already sunk into oblivion
Strong air of wormwood and lamb’s quarters.
Evening cool sky, brilliant moonlight appears
Think of my former jade-like towers and palace shadows
Emptiness illuminates the Qinhuai River.



My golden lock: Li referring to his country.

Qinhuai River:  Tributary to the Changjiang (Yangzi River) that flows through the city of Nanjing.

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