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Li Yu: Autumn Orioles

Autumn Orioles

秋 莺
残 莺 何 事 不 知 秋
横 过 幽 林 尚 独 游。
老 舌 百 般 倾 耳 听
深 黄 一 点 入 烟 流。
栖 迟 背 世 同 悲 鲁
浏 亮 如 笙 碎 在 缑。
莫 更 留 连 好 归 去
露 华 凄 冷 蓼 花 愁。
Qiu Ying

Can ying he shi bu zhi qiu
Heng guo you lin shang du you.
Lao she bai ban qing er ting
Shen huang yi dian ru yan liu.

Qi chi bei shi tong bei lu
Liu liang ru sheng sui zai gou.
Mo geng liu lian hao gui qu
Lu hua qi leng liao hua chou.


Autumn Orioles

Remaining orioles not aware of the onset of autumn
From a secluded forest, value traveling alone from the east to the country’s west.
Old tongues listen for what news is on the wind
One deep yellow bird flies into the mists.

Perched and slow, go out against the expectations of society
Clear clarion calls loud and clear like a sheng, broken into Mt. Gou pieces.
Best to fly away and not remain in hiding
Radiant and cold dew on knotweed flowers bring melancholy.



Sheng: Ancient Chinese reed pipe wind instrument

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