又是一年重阳节,一句“每逢佳节倍思亲”,道出了异乡漂泊之人的共同感受。古代歌咏重阳节的诗词不知凡几,最为人熟知的要数唐代诗人王维的《九月九日忆山东兄弟》。下面就请大家欣赏这首诗的几个不同的英译版本。 九月九日忆山东兄弟 [唐] 王维 独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲。 遥知兄弟登高处, 遍插茱萸少一人。 On the Mountain Holiday…
Yu Jin – Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Yu Jin was a prominent military general in the Chinese novel “Romance of the Three Kingdoms.” He played a significant role in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, and his military campaigns and alliances helped shape the course of Chinese history.
Yu Jin was born in the year 128 AD in the province of Hedong, in modern-day Shanxi. He began his military career as a cavalry officer, and he distinguished himself in battle against the Yellow Turban Rebellion in 184 AD. He later served under the Han general Cao Cao, and he became one of his most trusted and capable officers.
During the tumultuous Three Kingdoms period, Yu Jin fought on behalf of the Kingdom of Wei, which was led by Cao Cao’s successor, Cao Pi. He played a key role in several major battles, including the Battle of Guandu and the Battle of Chibi. In these battles, he demonstrated his skill as a commander and his bravery as a warrior.
In “Romance of the Three Kingdoms,” Yu Jin is depicted as a loyal and honorable officer, who serves his lord and his country with distinction. He is often portrayed as a foil to his colleague, the treacherous and ambitious general, Zhang He. Yu Jin is known for his sense of duty and his willingness to stand up for what is right, even in the face of opposition from his superiors.
One of the most memorable episodes involving Yu Jin in “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” is the “Ruse of the Empty City.” In this episode, the Kingdom of Wei is besieged by the Shu Han army, which greatly outnumbers them. To avoid defeat, Cao Cao orders his troops to open the city gates and lay down their weapons, while he himself sits atop the city walls, seemingly unarmed. Yu Jin stands guard at the gate, but when he is asked by the enemy why the gates are open, he calmly replies that Cao Cao is simply taking a nap. The enemy army, fearing a trap, withdraws and the Kingdom of Wei is saved.
Overall, Yu Jin was a skilled and respected military leader who played an important role in the history of China. His character in “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” reflects the values of loyalty, duty, and honor that were highly prized in Chinese culture. His legacy continues to be remembered and celebrated in Chinese literature and popular culture.
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