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Wei Yingwu: Laid Up Like Officials Wang and Lu Twenty-Two, Surprised to Hear They Are Also Sick

Laid Up Like Officials Wang and Lu Twenty-Two, Surprised to Hear They Are Also Sick, Li Er Has Not Visited For a While and Does Not Write Anyone,  Let’s Find Out What is Wrong With Him

假 中 枉 卢 二 十 二 书 亦 称 卧 疾 兼 讶
李 二 久 不 访 问 以 诗 答 书 因 亦 戏 李 二
微 官 何 事 劳 趋 走
服 药 闲 眠 养 不 才。
花 里 棋 盘 憎 鸟 污
枕 边 书 卷 讶 风 开。
故 人 问 讯 缘 同 病
芳 月 相 思 阻 一 杯。
应 笑 王 戎 成 俗 物
遥 持 塵 尾 独 徘 徊。
Jia Zhong Wang Lu Er Shi Er Shu Yi Cheng Wo Ji Jian Ya
Li Er Jiu Bu Fang Wen Yi Shi Da Shu Yin Yi Xi Li Er

Wei guan he shi lao qu zou
Fu yao xian mian yang bu cai.
Hua li qi pan zeng niao wu
Zhen bian shu juan ya feng kai.

Gu ren wen xun yuan tong bing
Fang yue xiang si zu yi bei.
Ying xiao wang rong cheng su wu
Yao chi chen wei du pai huai.


Laid Up Like Officials Wang and Lu Twenty-Two, Surprised to Hear They Are Also Sick, Li Er Has Not Visited For a While and Does Not Write Anyone, Let’s Find Out What Is Wrong With Him

Our government positions so minor, don’t need to hurry and work hard
My abilities so few, take a dose of medicine and fall into a leisured sleep.
Picked flowers, have a chessboard inside, I hate the dirty and messy birds
At the pillow’s edge, a writing scroll opened by a sudden gust of wine.

Learn that my best friends share this same illness
Fragrances and the moon, yearn to share a cup of wine with them.
Should laugh when I, like Wang Rong, was accused of being unrefined
But actually I also walk back and forth sweeping away the dust of the world.



Wang Rong:  (234-305) Famous official and scholar during the Jin Dynasty. One of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove.

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