Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Wei Yingwu: Her Passing Away Is My Wound
Her Passing Away Is My Wound
伤 逝
染 白 一 为 黑
焚 木 尽 成 灰。
念 我 室 中 人
逝 去 亦 不 回。
结 发 二 十 载
宾 敬 如 如 来。
提 携 属 时 屯
契 阔 忧 患 灾。
柔 素 亮 为 表
礼 章 夙 所 该。
仕 公 不 及 私
百 事 委 令 才。
一 旦 入 闺 门
四 屋 满 尘 埃。
斯 人 既 已 矣
触 物 但 伤 摧。
单 居 移 时 节
泣 涕 抚 婴 孩。
知 妄 谓 当 遣
临 感 要 难 裁。
梦 想 忽 如 睹
惊 起 复 徘 徊。
此 心 良 无 已
绕 屋 生 蒿 莱。
Shang Shi
Ran bai yi wei hei
Fen mu jin cheng hui.
Nian wo shi zhong ren
Shi qu yi bu hui.
Jie fa er shi zai
Bin jing ru shi lai. Ti xie zhu shi tun
Qi kuo you huan zai.
Rou su liang wei biao
Li zhang su suo gai.
Shi gong bu ji si
Bai shi wei ling cai.
Yi dan ru gui men
Si wu man chen ai.
Si ren ji yi yi
Chu wu dan shang cui.
Dan ju yi shi jie
Qi ti fu ying hai. Zhi wang wei dang qian
Lin gan yao nan cai.
Meng xiang hu ru du
Jing qi fu pai huai.
Ci xin liang wu yi
Rao wu sheng hao lai.
Her Passing Away Is My Wound
Once the white is dyed black, it can never be white again
Burned wood becoming ashes, can never to back to wood again.
Think of my wife and her room
After passing away she will never return.
Husband and wife for twenty years
Our mutual respect and honor never changed. Supported each other during troubled times
Separated during disasters and sufferings.
Gentle and plain, your inside and outside the same
Early morning memorial rites were preplanned and expected.
She served the large family, doing little for herself
In one hundred affairs she had command and ability.
Every day she cleaned and tended to her own room
The rest of the dusty world could be left alone as it is.
Dead people are gone for good
My wound opens up by seeing all the things she touched.
Seasonal changes and festivals are not the same as a widower
Many tears trying to console and protect the young children.
I know it is ridiculous to think she can return by saying her name
Difficult to let go of these feelings and thoughts.
In a dream I suddenly see her
Arise with a start, look back and forth for her.
This heart-mind of mine cannot stop
My life and house now like wormwood and lamb’s quarters.
Wei Yingwu’s wife died in 777 AD.
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