Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Wei Yingwu: Facilitating Huang Jing Medicine
Facilitating Huang Jing Medicine
饵 黄 精
灵 药 出 西 山
服 食 采 其 根。
九 蒸 换 凡 骨
经 著 上 世 言。
侯 火 起 中 夜
馨 香 满 南 轩。
斋 居 感 众 灵
药 术 启 妙 门。
自 怀 物 外 心
岂 与 俗 士 论。
终 期 脱 印 绶
永 与 天 壤 存。
Er Huang Jing
Ling yao chu xi shan
Fu shi cai qi gen.
Jiu zheng huan fan gu
Jing zhu shan shi yan.
Hou huo qi zhong ye
Xin xiang man nan xuan.
Zhai ju gan zhong ling
Yao shu qi miao men.
Zi huai wu wai xin
Qi yu su shi lun.
Zhong ji tuo yin shou
Yong yu tian rang cun.
Facilitating Huang Jing Medicine
Spiritual medicine comes out of the western mountains
Only consumes the medicinal roots.
After several evaporations, medicine ready for the immortals
Follow the written instructions of ancient texts.
Make a fire in the middle of the night and then just wait
The smell of burning incense fills up the southern veranda.
Practicing a vegetarian diet makes one feel very spiritual
These medicinal arts inspire me to the doorways of the brilliant and wondrous mystery.
Think of my heart-mind outside the affairs of the world
Do not need to discuss anything with those too simple.
Eventually I will soon remove myself from the engraved seals and colorful silk ribbons
Forever remain between the heavens and earth.
Huang Jing medicine: The ancient and Chinese herbal medicine.
Doorways of the brilliant and wondrous mystery: These two characters come from the last line, first chapter of the Dao De Jing by Laozi. The Chinese character (妙) miao has several meanings, but brilliant and wondrous mystery is my best attempt.
Heart-mind: I use both words from the one Chinese character (心) xin, as perhaps the ancient Chinese appropriately did not separate the two: heart and mind.
Engraved seals and colorful silk ribbons: These are worn by government officials.
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