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Wei Yingwu: Coming Back Home

Coming Back Home

出 还
昔 出 喜 还 家
今 还 独 伤 意。
入 室 掩 无 光
衔 哀 写 虚 吹。
凄 凄 动 幽 幔
寂 寂 惊 寒 吹。
幼 女 复 何 知
时 来 庭 下 戏。
咨 嗟 日 复 老
错 莫 身 如 寄。
家 人 劝 我 餐
对 案 空 垂 泪。
Chu Huan

Xi chu xi huai jia
Jin huai du shang yi.
Ru shi yan wu guang
Xian ai xie xu chui.

Qi qi dong you man
Ji ji jing han chui.
You nu fu he zhi
Shi lai ting xia xi.

Zi jie ri fu lao
Cuo mo shen ru ji.
Jia ren quan wo can
Dui an kong chui lei.


Coming Back Home

In former days going out, happy to return home
Now I come back alone with wounded desires.
Enter each room that is shuttered and dark
With sorrow cherish her small and temporary shrine.

Everywhere secluded with swaying curtains
Very quiet and lonely, cold wind surprises.
Our youngest daughter does not understand
Still plays under the front courtyard balcony.

Daily lament, experience again and again
Somewhat confused, losing orientation of time and space.
Relatives have to persuade me to eat
Facing a long, empty table, tears falling down.


[Wei Yingwu’s wife has recently passed away.]

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