Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Wei Yingwu: A Life of Leisure, Send This As a Gift to My Friends
A Life of Leisure, Send This As a Gift to My Friends
闲 居 赠 友
补 吏 多 下 迁
罢 归 聊 自 度。
园 庐 既 芜 没
烟 景 空 澹 泊 。
闲 居 养 疴 瘵
守 素 甘 葵 藿。
颜 鬓 日 衰 耗
冠 带 亦 蓼 落。
青 苔 已 生 路
绿 筠 始 分 箨。
夕 气 下 遥 阴
微 风 动 疏 薄。
草 玄 良 见 诮
杜 门 无 请 托。
非 君 好 事 者
谁 来 顾 寂 寞。
Xian Ju Zeng You
Bu li duo xia qian
Ba gui liao zi du.
Yuan lu ji wu mei
Yan jing kong dan bo.
Xian ju yang ke zhai
Shou su gan kui huo.
Yan bin ri shuai hao
Guan dai yi liao luo.
Qing tai yi sheng lu
Lu yun shi fen tuo.
Xi qi xia yao yin
Wei feng dong shu bo.
Cao xuan liang jian qiao
Du men wu qing tuo.
Fei jun hao shi zhe
Shei lai gu ji mo.
A Life of Leisure, Send This As a Gift to My Friends
With every change of position I move into a lower rank
Finished playing the game, now depend on myself.
My garden and hut have disappeared under the overgrown weeds
Empty misty scene, do not chase fame and fortune.
Dwelling in leisure heals wounds and illnesses
Guard simplicity, vegetarian diet is sweet.
Face and temple hair decline daily
Official’s hat and belt also used few and far between.
Green moss has already emerged on the pathways
Green bamboo shoots begin to separate.
Sunset atmosphere, remote and shady down below
Light breeze stirs the thin curtains.
No shame in not climbing the bureaucratic ladder
Do not have to rely on inviting guests while my door is closed.
Thanks for considering my well being, but I am okay as is
Those who arrive to visit can partake of the silence.
Guard simplicity: Yes the act of living small and simple, can and should be, proactive according to our friend Wei Yingwu. And of course before it can be guarded, it has to be created as well.
Green moss: An often used set of words in ancient Chinese poetry. These are code words for seclusion, most easily a rural, and/or spiritual, seclusion, whether literally, or metaphorically. Too many visitors, and too much busyness (business) prevents the emergence of green moss on the pathways.
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