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Wang Wei: White Hair Chant

Wang Wei: White Hair Chant



歎 白 髪
宿 昔 朱 颜 成 暮 齿
须 臾 白 髪 变 垂 髫。
一 生 几 许 伤 心 事
不 向 空 门 何 處 销。


Tan Bai Fa

Su xi zhu yan cheng mu chi
Xu you bai fa bian chui tiao                                                                                                     Yi sheng ju xu shang xin shi
Bu xiang kong men he chu xiao


White Hair Chant

Old red face achieved at a late age
Noticed white hair changing from early childhood

All one’s life, several places with troubles that break the mind-heart
Being partial to the door of Emptiness is what atones and cancels



Kongmen (空门): Literally means the door or gateway to emptiness. It is another Chinese name for Buddhism. One enters this door or gate when committing to the teachings of the Buddha.  When the Buddha realized enlightenment, and then shared it with the world, it has been called the Doctrine of Emptiness.  For more information, refer to the Artistic and Philosophical Foundation tab on this website.

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