Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Wang Wei: Mt. Lantian
Wang Wei: Mt. Lantian Mountain Stone Gate Refined Temple
蓝 田 山 石 门 精 舍
落 日 山 水 好
漾 舟 信 归 风。
玩 奇 不 觉 远
因 以 缘 源 穷。
遥 爱 云 木 秀
初 疑 路 不 同。
安 知 清 流 转
偶 与 前 山 通。
舍 舟 理 轻 策
果 然 惬 所 适。
老 僧 四 五 人
逍 遥 荫 松 柏.
朝 梵 林 未 曙
夜 禅 山 更 寂。
道 心 及 牧 童
世 事 问 樵 客。
瞑 宿 长 林 下
焚 香 卧 瑶 席。
涧 芳 袭 人 衣
山 月 映 石 壁。
再 寻 畏 迷 误
明 发 更 登 历。
笑 谢 桃 源 人
花 红 复 来 觌。
Lantian Shan Shimen Jing She
Luo ri shan shui hao
Yang zhou xin gui feng
Wan qi bu jue yuan,
Yin yi yuan yuan qiong.
Yao ai yun mu xiu,
Chu yi lu bu tong
An zhi qing liu zhuan,
Ou you qian shan tong.
She zhou li qing ce,
Guo ran qie suo shi
Lao seng si wu ren,
Xiao yao yin song bai.
Zhao fan lin wei shu,
Ye chan shan geng ji
Dao xin ji mu tong,
Shi shi wen qiao ke.
Ming su chang lin xia,
Fen xiang wo yao xi
Jian fang xi ren yi,
Shan yue ying shi bi.
Zai xun wei mi wu,
Ming fa geng deng li
Xiao xie tao yuan ren,
Hua hong fu lai di.
Lantian Mountain Stone Gate Refined Temple
Fine sunset on mountain waters
Casual wind and ripples against the returning boat.
Enjoyment and wonder do not feel distant
Because I realize I am at the end of the river.
Notice the elegant clouds and trees in the distance
Originally uncertain, maybe this way is different.
Ah, I know now, this clear current has turned
By chance, to join another stream in front of the mountain.
Abandon the boat, travel light with just a walking stick
Truly gratified to be here, in this proper place.
Four or five old Buddhist monks
Carefree in the shade of pine and cedar trees.
Before daybreak, Buddhist incense smoke drifts into the forest
Night time zen meditation increases the mountain’s stillness.
Daoist mind like the shepherd boy
To learn of world affairs, ask the nomadic woodcutter or fisherman.
At dusk, stay overnight below the tall forest
Burn incense, lie on a heavenly jade mat.
Cotton-padded clothes wet from the mountain waterfall
Mountain moon’s reflections on a stone wall.
Want to explore, see more places, but afraid of getting lost
Tomorrow will continue mountain climbing experience.
Thanks and appreciation to these Peach Blossom Springhead people
Next time the flowers are red, I will return again.
Lantian: Was a prefecture in the Southern Mountains, near the capital city of Chang’an (now Xi’an) ( a place of rural seclusion often used by Wang Wei)
Peach Blossom Springhead people: Wang is alluding to a famous poem by Tao Yuanming. These people are living the life as described by Laozi, specifically chapter 80 of the Dao De Jing. See the Artistic and Philosophical Foundations tab on the website.
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