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Wang Wei: Attachment Memories: Upper Duan River No. 16

Attachment Memories: Upper Duan River No. 16

寄 河 上 段 十 六
与 君 相 见 即 相 亲
闻 道 君 家 在 孟 津。
为 见 行 舟 试 借 问
客 中 时 有 洛 阳 人。
Ji He Shang Duan Shi Liu

Yu jun xiang jian ji xiang qin
Wen dao jun jia zai meng jin.                                                                                                  Wei jian xing zhou shi jie wen
Ke zhong shi you luo yang ren.


Attachment Memories: Upper Duan River No. 16

From the beginning, we had good impressions of each other
Heard you tell of your home in Mengjin.                                                                    When I see the long-distance boats, will try to politely ask the ferryman

Have you any people from the Luoyang area.



No. 16: Perhaps one of a series of sixteen or more poems.

Mengjin: A city in Henan province.

Luoyang: The eastern capital city during the Tang Dynasty, and Wang Wei’s life.

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