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Tao Yuanming: Praise For Humble Scholars: Seven Poems: No. 6

Praise For Humble Scholars: Seven Poems: No. 6

咏 贫 士:七 首
仲 蔚 爱 穷 居
绕 宅 生 蒿 蓬。
翳 然 绝 交 游
赋 诗 颇 能 工。
举 世 无 知 者
止 有 一 刘 龚。
此 士 胡 独 然
实 由 罕 所 同。
介 焉 安 其 业
所 乐 非 穷 通。
人 事 固 以 拙
聊 得 长 相 从。
Yong Pin Shi: Qi Shou


Zhong wei ai qiong ju
Rao zhai sheng hao peng.
Yi ran jue jiao you
Fu shi po neng gong.

Ju shi wu zhi zhe
Zhi you yi liu gong.
Ci shi hu du ran
Shi you han suo tong.

Jie yan an qi ye
Suo le fei qiong tong.
Ren shi gu yi zhuo
Liao de chang xiang cong.


Praise For Humble Scholars: Seven Poems: No. 6

Zhong Wei cherished his poor house
His crude dwelling covered with coiled wormwood tangles.
Hard to make friends through the leaves
His original poetry revealed literary masterpieces.

Although his existence and work were unknown
Had only one man recognize him.
Why was Zhong Wei so alone
Because his predictive abilities were so advanced.

I too want to be satisfied with my destiny
My happiness not dependent on being rich or poor.
Being skillful in human affairs is not my forte
Best that I rely on following this man’s model.



Zhong Wei: A man famous for being able to predict the weather, and interpreting the stars.

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