Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Tao Yuanming: Mid-May Year of the Rabbit: From the Capital, Held Up By Wind in Guilin: Two Poems: No. 1
Mid-May Year of the Rabbit: From the Capital, Held Up By Wind in Guilin: Two Poems: No. 1
庚 子 岁 五 月 中 从 都 还 阻 风 于 规 林 : 二 首
行 行 循 归 路
计 日 望 旧 居。
一 欣 侍 温 颜
再 喜 见 友 于。
鼓 棹 路 崎 曲
指 景 限 西 隅。
江 山 岂 不 险?
归 子 念 前 途。
凯 风 负 我 心
戢 枻 守 穷 湖。
高 莽 眇 无 界
夏 木 独 森 疏。
谁 言 客 舟 远?
近 瞻 百 里 余。
延 目 识 南 岭
空 叹 将 焉 如!
Geng Zi Sui Wu Yue: Zhong Cong Dou Hai Zu Feng Yu Gui Lin: Er Shou
Xing xing xun gui lu
Ji ri wang jiu ju.
Yi xin shi wen yan
Zai xi jian you yu.
Gu zhao lu qi qu
Zhi jing xian xi yu.
Jiang shan qi bu xian ?
Gui zi nian qian tu.
Kai feng fu wo xin
Ji yu shou qiong hu.
Gao mang miao wu jie
Xia mu du sen shu.
Shei yan ke zhou yuan ?
Jin zhan bai li yu.
Yan mu shi nan ling
Kong tan jiang yan ru !
Mid-May in the Year of the Rabbit: From the Capital, Held Up by Wind in Guilin: Two Poems: No. 1
Very soon, follow the road back home
Counting the days, my old house in the distance.
A joyful time to be able to wait upon my mother
An added happiness to see my friends.
Quick, uneven tempo, the drum beats to pace the oars
But the sun is sinking too fast into western border regions.
Are the mountains and rivers too difficult to pass?
Long for the future, and my return home.
Winds blowing against my way forward
Stow the oars, head for a sheltered backwater.
Tall, thick undergrowth without end
Summer trees growing sparsely.
Who said in my boat, my home is still far away?
It is no more than thirty miles away.
Straining to see the southern mountain ranges
Too bad I have to wait where I am.
Good descriptions of what it must have like to travel during these times. Boat travel long and arduous, rowers pulling the oars, hoping for favorable winds, having to moor the boat every night.
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