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Tao Yuanming: Imitate the Ancients: Nine Poems: No. 5

Imitate the Ancients: Nine Poems: No. 5

拟 古: 九 首
东 方 有 一 士
被 服 常 不 完。
三 旬 九 遇 食
十 年 著 一 冠。
辛 勤 无 此 比
常 有 好 容 颜。
我 欲 观 其 人
晨 去 越 河 关。
青 松 夹 路 生
白 云 宿 檐 端。
知 我 故 来 意
取 琴 为 我 弹。
上 弦 惊 别 鹤
下 弦 操 孤 鸾。
愿 留 就 君 住
从 今 至 岁 寒。
Ni Gu: Jiu Poems


Dong fang you yi shi
Bei fu chang bu wan.
San xun jiu yu shi
Shi nian zhuo yi guan.

Xin qin wu ci bi
Chang yu hao rong yan.
Wo yu guan qi ren
Chen qu yue he guan.

Qing song jia lu sheng
Bai yun su yan duan.
Zhi wo gu lai yi
Qu qin wei wo tan.

Shang xian jing bie he
Xia xian cao gu luan.
Yuan liu jiu jun zhu
Cong jin zhi sui han.


Imitate the Ancients: Nine Poems: No. 5

In the east, there is one scholar
Bedding and clothes often torn and split.
Every month, only has a handful of meals
In ten years wears only one hat.

Difficult and hard work without a peer
But still often wears a happy face.
My desire is to see this man
In the morning, leave to cross rivers and mountain passes.

Green pine trees grow on both sides of the highway
White clouds linger at the edge of the roof lines.
He knows my one reason for coming
He grabs his qin and plays for me.

High notes startle the crane couple
Low melodies grasp a solitary phoenix.
I wish to remain near your house
From now on until my years end.



Qin: Ancient string musical instrument.



Perhaps Tao Yuanming is talking about himself!

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