Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Tao Yuanming: Begin a Job to Advise an Army General, Moving Through Qu E
Begin a Job to Advise an Army General, Moving Through Qu E
始 作 镇 军 参 军 经 曲 阿 作
弱 龄 寄 事 外
委 怀 在 琴 书。
被 褐 欣 自 得
屡 空 常 晏 如。
时 来 苟 冥 会
宛 辔 憇 通 衢。
投 策 命 晨 装
暂 与 园 田 疏。
眇 眇 孤 舟 逝
绵 绵 归 思 纡。
我 行 岂 不 遥?
登 降 千 里 余。
目 倦 川 涂 异
心 念 山 泽 居。
望 云 惭 高 鸟
临 水 愧 游 鱼。
真 想 初 在 襟
谁 谓 形 迹 拘?
聊 且 凭 化 钱
终 返 班 生 庐。
Shi Zuo Zhen Jun Can Jun Jing Qu E Zuo
Ruo ling ji shi wai
Wei huai zai qing shu.
Bei he xin zi de
Lu kong chang yan ru.
Shi lai gou ming hui
Wan pei qi tong qu.
Tou ce ming chen zhuang
Zan yu yuan tian shu.
Miao miao gu zhou shi
Mian mian gui si yu.
Wo xing qi bu yao ?
Deng jiang qian li yu.
Mu juan chuan tu yi
Xin nian shan ze ju.
Wang yun can gao niao
Lin shui kui you yu.
Zhen xiang chu zai jin
Shui wei xing ji ju?
Liao qie ping hua qian
Zhong fan ban sheng lu.
Begin a Job to Advise an Army General, Moving Through Qu E
By the age of twenty I knew my destiny was not as a loyal government worker
Actually, my heart is into music and literature.
Happy with, and appreciate my coarse bedcovers
Time and again hungry like the students of Kongzi.
For the time being I have to take advantage of the opportunity to follow the army
But would rather loosen the reins, and fall behind their rush to glory.
With orders, cast aside my walking stick and get dressed
For the time being leave behind their vegetable gardens.
Into a very small boat, now they are far away
With every turn, think of returning home.
Have I not traveled far enough away?
Climb up, go down, more than one thousand li.
Tired of looking at landscapes of shallow rivers
My heart longs for living with the mountains and river pools.
Gazing into the clouds with loud birds, feel shame I am not like them
Close to the water with swimming fish, feel the same shame.
Early on, my love for Nature began
Who says that this love is flexible and subject to change?
For now, I have to rely on the natural course of events
No matter what happens, I will return to the simple and poor, rural life.
Kongzi: Confucius
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