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Su Dongpo: Transitory Fragrance

Transitory Fragrances

行 香 子
清 夜 尘,月 色 如 银
酒 斟 时,须 满 十 分。
浮 名 浮 利,虚 苦 劳 神。
叹 隙 中 驹
石 中 火,梦 中 身。
虽 拘 文 章,开 口 谁 亲?
且 陶 陶,乐 尽 天 真。
几 时 归 去,作 个 闲 人。
对 一 张 琴
一 壶 酒,一 溪 云。
Hang Xiang Zi

Qing ye wu chen, yue se ru yin
Jiu zhen shi, xu man shi fen.
Fu ming fu li, xu ku lao shen.
Tan xi zhong ju

Shi zhong huo, meng zhong shen,.
Sui ju wen zhang, kai kou shei qin?
Qie tao tao, le jin tian zhen.
Ji shi gui qu, zuo ge xian ren.
Dui yi zhang qin
Yi hu jiu, yi xi yun.


Transitory Fragrances

Clear evening without dust, moonlit scenery like a mirror
Time to pour wine, must wait until the cup is full to the brim.
Vain glory, empty fame of temporary benefit
Their inevitable futility and suffering taxes one’s mind.

Sigh, life like a horse-shaped cloud disappearing with the wind
Like sparks flying from two hot coals in one continuous dream
Although my literary skills known, were they ever well utilized by the palace?
For a long time just drink and be happy, enjoy what is entirely
simple and natural.
When can I depart, to return to a life of leisure and writing poems
Play one qin, drink one pot of wine, and make art among the streams and clouds.



Horse-shaped cloud: Famous line from the Daoist icon Zhuangzi
(370-287 BC)

Two hot coals: Famous line from Xu Wen

Qin: Ancient stringed musical instrument. Resembles the zither.

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