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Su Dongpo: Ten Drumsful of Coal

Ten Drumsful of Coal

石 炭
君 不 见 前 年 雨 雪 行 人 断
城 中 居 民 风 裂 肝。
湿 薪 半 束 抱 衾 裯
日 暮 敲 门 无 处 换。
岂 料 山 中 有 遗 宝
磊 落 如 瑿 万 车 炭。
流 膏 迸 液 无 人 知
阵 阵 腥 风 自 吹 散。
梗 苗 一 发 浩 五 际
万 人 鼓 舞 千 人 看。
投 泥 泼 水 愈 光 明
烁 玉 流 金 见 精 悍。
南 山 栗 林 渐 可 息
北 山 顽 矿 何 劳 锻。
为 君 铸 作 百 链 刀
要 斩 长 鲸 为 万 段。


Shi Tan

Jun bu jian qian nian yu xue xing ren duan
Cheng zhong ju min feng lie gan.
Shi xin ban shu bao qin chou
Ri mu qiao men wu chu huan.

Qi liao shan zhong you yi bao
Lei luo ru yi wan che tan.
Liu gao beng ye wu ren zhi
Zhen zhen xing feng zi chui san.

Geng miao yi fa hao wu ji
Wan ren gu wu qian ren kan.
Tou ni po shui yu guang ming
Shuo yu liu jin jian jing han.

Nan shan li lin jian ke xi
Bei shan wan kuang he lao duan.
Wei jun zhu zuo bai lian dao
Yao zhan chang jing wei wan duan.


Ten Drums Full of Coal

Did not see last year’s heavy rain and snow
Middle of the city, people with legs split open.
Bundled firewood wet, stayed under my quilts
Knock on doors till sunset, no one can barter with me.

Who would expect nearby mountains hold some treasure
Layers and layers, thousands of carts of black coal.
No people knew these deposits were so large
Years and years of weathering, wind blowing dust.

Following veins of coal vast and without end
Thousands of people dance, beat drums and watch.
Ore separated from the slag and washed shiny and bright
Coke deposits efficient for making metal strong.

Chestnut forests in the Southern Mountains can now breathe and grow
Northern mountains filled with minerals for the forge.
Can be cast into swords and chained mace
One can kill enemies over and over with the same weapons.

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