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Su Dongpo: New Year’s Eve, Heavy Snow, Have to Stay in Weizhou For the First Day, Resume Travels, Snow Falls Again

New Year’s Eve, Heavy Snow, Have to Stay in Weizhou For the First Day, Resume Travels, Snow Falls Again

除 夜 大 雪 留 潍 州 元 日 早 晴 遂 行, 中 途 雪 复 作
除 夜 雪 相 留
元 日 晴 相 送。
东 风 吹 宿 酒
瘦 马 兀 残 梦。
葱 胧 晓 光 开
旋 转 余 花 弄。
下 马 成 野 酌
佳 哉 谁 与 其。
须 臾 晚 云 合
乱 洒 无 缺 空。
鹅 毛 垂 马 鬃
自 怪 骑 白 凤。
三 年 东 方 早
逃 户 连 攲 栋。
老 农 释 耒 叹
泪 入 饥 肠 痛。
春 雪 虽 云 晚
春 麦 犹 可 种。
敢 怨 行 役 劳
助 尔 歌 饭 翁。
Chu Ye Da Xue Liu Wei Zhou Yuan Ri Zao Qing Sui Xing,
Zhong Tu Xue Fu Zuo

Chu ye xue xiang liu
Yuan ri qing xiang song.
Dong feng chui su jiu
Shou ma wu can meng.

Cong long xiao guang kai
Xuan zhuan yu hua nong.
Xia ma cheng ye zhuo
Jia zai shei yu qi.

Xu yu wan yun he
Luan sa wu que kong.
E mao chui ma zong
Zi guai qi bai feng.

San nian dong fang zao
Tao hu lian qi dong.
Lao nong shi lei tan
Lei ru ji chang tong.

Chun xue sui yun wan
Chun mai you ke zhong.
Gan yuan xing yi lao
Zhu er geng fan weng.


New Year’s Eve, Heavy Snow, Have to Stay in Weizhou For the First Day, Resume Travels, Snow Falls Again

Last night snow stopped my travels
At first light, sunny skies send me on my way.
Wine last night plus the east wind
Gives me dream fragments on my thin horse.

Hazy dawn light begins
Notice the remaining flowers at every turn.
Got off my horse, pour some wine in the wilderness
How beautiful, no one here to join me.

Later afternoon clouds come together
Sky opens up with snow everywhere.
Like goose feathers, flakes stick to my horse’s mane
Strange, it seems like I am riding a white phoenix.

In the area, for three years not enough rain
Continuously families have left their homes.
Old farmers have to remain with their plows
Stomachs so hungry they have to swallow their own tears.

Even this spring snow has arrived late
Still have time to plant some spring wheat.
Shame on me resenting this extra work to travel
Help the old to chant for earthen jars full of food.



Weizhou:  Located in Guangxi Province.

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