Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Su Dongpo: Liu Gongfu Read Several of My Poems, For the Fun of It I Make This One
Liu Gongfu Read Several of My Poems, For the Fun of It I Make This One
刘 贡 父 见 佘 歌 词 数 首,以 诗 见 戏,聊 次 其 韵
十 载 飘 然 未 可 期
那 堪 重 作 看 花 诗。
门 前 恶 语 谁 传 去
醉 后 狂 歌 自 不 知。
剌 舌 君 今 犹 未 戒
灸 眉 五 亦 更 何 辞。
相 从 痛 饮 无 余 事
正 是 春 客 最 好 时。
Liu Gong Fu Jian She Ge Ci Shu Shou, Yi Shi Jian Xi, Liao Ci Qi Yun
Shi zai piao ran wei ke qi
Na kan chong zuo kan hua shi.
Men qian e yu shei chuan qu
Zui hou kuang ge zi bu zhi.
La she jun jin you wei jie
Jiu mei wu yi geng he ci.
Xiang cong tong yin wu she shi
Zheng shi chun ke zui hao shi.
Liu Gongfu Read Several of My Poems to Make His Poems, For the Fun of It I Make This One
For many years I was sent here and there with no certain schedule
I don’t want to revisit the old showy, flowery poems of my past.
Do not care what anyone thinks of them
Don’t remember if these poems were written while drunk or not.
Too many people want to cut the tongues of those who speak or
write the truth
They believe I am crazy, and therefore need moxibustion treatments to break and change me.
Let’s you and I just drink and forget these things
It is correct to enjoy these springtime and good-time feelings.
Moxibustion treatments: Traditional Chinese medicinal treatment that involves the placing of heated glass bulbs on the skin. It is meant as a cauterizing or neutralizing agent to extract toxins from the body.
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