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Su Dongpo: Huai Ren City’s Mayor, Chen Deren, a Writing for the Zhan Mountain Pavilion: Two Poems

Huai Ren City’s Mayor, Chen Deren, a Writing for the Zhan Mountain Pavilion: Two Poems

怀 仁 令 陈 德 任 新 作 占 山 亭:  二 绝


尚 父 提 封 海 岱 间
南 征 惟 到 穆 陵 关。
谁 知 海 上 诗 狂 客
占 得 胶 西 一 半 山。
Huai Ren Ling Chen De Ren Xin Zuo Zhan Shan Ting: Er Jue


Shang fu ti feng hai dai wen
Nan zheng wei dao mu ling guan.
Shei zhi hai shang shi kuang ke
Zhan de jiao xi yi ban shan.


City Huai Ren City’s Mayor, Chen Deren, a Writing for the Zhan Mountain Pavilion: Two Poems


Like Tai Gongwang receiving an imperial gift of land from Mt. Tai to the ocean
But who never went outside Shandong.
Compared to him, I am a crazy poet
Who can roam and wander past many mountain ranges.


我 是 胶 西 旧 使 君
此 山 仍 合 与 君 分。
故 应 窃 比 山 中 相
时 作 新 诗 寄 白 云。


Wo shi jiao xi jiu shi jun
Ci shan reng he yu jun fen.
Gu ying qie bi shan zhong xiang
Shi zuo xin shi ji bai yun.



When I once had a positon in Jiao Xi
In these mountains, I too felt a part of them.
Like Tao Huangjing in the Liang kingdom, I would love to give advice to the
emperor while living amid the mountains
My new poems would flow freely from the white clouds.


Huai Ren: A city in Shanxi Province.

Mt. Tai: Located in the province of Shandong. A place of worship since ancient times, and considered the eastern mountain in the Five Great Mountains of China.

Tai Gongwang: (11th century BC) Also known as Jiang Ziya. A nobleman during the Zhou Dynasty who helped kings to overthrow the Shang Kingdom.

Tao Huangjing: (456-536) Author, calligrapher, and alchemist who founded the Shangqing (Highest Clarity) school of Daoism.

Liang Kingdom: (?-641 BC) Existed during the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. Eventually conquered by the Qin.

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