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Su Dongpo: Arise in the Middle of the Night on My Boat

Arise in the Middle of the Night on My Boat

舟 中 夜 起
微 风 萧 萧 吹 菰 蒲
开 门 看 雨 月 满 湖。
舟 人 水 鸟 两 同 梦
大 鱼 惊 窜 如 奔 狐。
夜 深 人 物 不 相 管
我 独 形 影 相 嬉 娱。
暗 潮 生 渚 吊 寒 蚓
落 月 挂 柳 看 悬 蛛。
此 生 忽 忽 忧 患 里
清 境 过 眼 能 须 臾。
鸡 鸣 钟 动 百 鸟 散
般 头 击 鼓 还 相 呼。
Zhou Zhong Ye Qi

Wei feng xiao xiao chui gu pu
Kai men kan yu yue man hu.
Zhou ren shui niao liang tong meng
Da yu jing cuan ru ben hu.

Ye shen en wu bu xiang guan
Wo du xing ying xiang xi yu.
An chao sheng zhu diao han yin
Luo yue gua liu kan xuan zhu.

Ci sheng hu hu you huan li
Qing jing guo yan neng xu yu.
Ji ming zhong dong bai niao san
Ban tou ji gu huan xiang hu.


Arise in the Middle of the Night on My Boat

Slight breeze softly blows wild cattails
Thinking it is rain, open the door, full moon on the lake.
Boatman and water fowl share the same dreams
Startled big fish flee quickly like a fox.

Midnight hour people keeping to themselves.
My shadow and I entertain each other.
Water rising, worms move up further onto the islet
Moonset, drooping willows look like hanging spiders with their strings.

My life passes quickly with worry and troubles
Viewing this pure landscape can change in an instant.
Rooster crows and temple bells scatter hundreds of birds
Boats beating their drums, telling one another of their intended course.

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