又是一年重阳节,一句“每逢佳节倍思亲”,道出了异乡漂泊之人的共同感受。古代歌咏重阳节的诗词不知凡几,最为人熟知的要数唐代诗人王维的《九月九日忆山东兄弟》。下面就请大家欣赏这首诗的几个不同的英译版本。 九月九日忆山东兄弟 [唐] 王维 独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲。 遥知兄弟登高处, 遍插茱萸少一人。 On the Mountain Holiday…
Sima Yi – Romance of the Three Kingdoms
“Sima Yi” is a character in the classic Chinese novel “Romance of the Three Kingdoms.” He was a prominent statesman and military general during the Three Kingdoms period of China, and is often regarded as one of the most important figures of that era.
Born into a family of scholars and officials, Sima Yi was trained in the classics and became a well-respected bureaucrat in the Eastern Han dynasty. He rose to prominence during the decline of the Han dynasty, when he served as an advisor to the warlord Cao Cao and played a key role in the founding of the state of Wei.
As a military commander, Sima Yi was known for his strategic thinking and his ability to adapt to changing circumstances. He was instrumental in several important battles, including the Battle of Wuzhang Plains, where he defeated the forces of the rival state of Shu.
Sima Yi was also known for his political acumen, and was skilled at manipulating the court and playing factions against each other. He was appointed as the Grand Tutor to the emperor of Wei, and used his position to consolidate power and undermine his rivals.
One of Sima Yi’s most famous exploits was his campaign against the rebel leader Zhuge Dan. Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, Sima Yi was able to outmaneuver Zhuge Dan and force his surrender, earning him the respect and admiration of his fellow generals.
After the death of his patron Cao Cao, Sima Yi continued to play an important role in Wei politics. He was instrumental in the succession of Cao Pi as the new emperor of Wei, and was later appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Wei armies.
Sima Yi died in the year 251, leaving behind a legacy as one of the greatest statesmen and generals of the Three Kingdoms period. He is remembered for his strategic thinking, his political savvy, and his ability to adapt to changing circumstances, and is often regarded as one of the key architects of the rise of the state of Wei.
Overall, Sima Yi’s character in “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” represents the complex political and military landscape of the Three Kingdoms period. His story is an important part of the larger narrative of the conflict and its impact on Chinese history and culture, and serves as a reminder of the enduring power of strategic thinking and political acumen in times of crisis.
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