Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Ouyang Xiu: Proud Fishing Households (No. 12): Twelfth Month
Proud Fishing Households (No. 12): Twelfth Month
玉 楼 春
十 二 月 严 凝 天 地 闭。
莫 嫌 台 榭 无 花 卉。
惟 有 酒 能 欺 雪 意。
增 豪 气。
直 教 耳 热 笙 歌 沸。
陇 上 雕 鞍 惟 数 骑。
猎 围 半 合 新 霜 里。
霜 重 鼓 声 寒 不 起。
千 人 指。
马 前 一 雁 寒 空 坠。
Yu Lou Chun
Shi er yue yan ning tian di bi.
Mo xian tai xie wu hua hui.
Wei you jiu neng qi xue yi.
Zeng hao qi.
Zhi jiao er re sheng ge fei.
Long shang diao an wei shu qi.
Lie wei ban he xi shuang li.
Shuang chong gu sheng han bu qi.
Qian ren zhi.
Ma qian yi yan han kong zhui.
Proud Fishing Households: (No. 12) Twelfth Month
The final lunar month, heaven and earth frozen and heavy.
All towers and pavilions without flowers and grasses is normal.
Only have wine to cheat the remaining snow patches.
Spirits grow into the strength of heroes.
Reed instrument boiling ears to warm them up.
Outside has only saddled riders hunting eagles.
Hunting parties not big enough to enclose the frosty prey.
Frost so cold, drum sounds not able to arise.
A thousand people point at them.
In front of a horse, a wild goose hangs cold and lifeless.
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