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Ouyang Xiu: Proud Fishing Households (No. 1): First Month

Proud Fishing Households (No. 1): First Month

渔 家 傲
正 月 斗 勺 初 转 势。
金 刀 剪 彩 功 夫 异。
称 庆 高 堂 欢 幼 稚。
看 柳 意。
偏 从 东 面 春 风 至。
十 四 新 蟾 圆 尚 未。
楼 前 乍 看 红 灯 试。
冰 散 绿 池 泉 细 细。
鱼 欲 戏。
园 林 已 是 花 天 气。
Yu Jia Ao


Zheng yue dou shao chu zhuan shi.
Jin dao jian cai gong fu yi.
Chen qing gao tang huan you zhi.
Kan liu yi.
Pian cong dong mian chun feng zhi.

Shi si xin chan yuan shang wei.
Lou qian zha kan hong deng shi.
Bing san lu chi quan xi xi.
Yu yu xi.
Yuan lin yi shi hua tian qi.


Proud Fishing Households (No. 1): First Month

First month of the year, the Big Dipper handle begins to turn
Seventh day is for people, gold scissors cut artful and colorful forms.
Joyful youth celebrate in the large main hall
See willow trees and cattails begin to green.

Spring wind coming from the east northeast
Fourteenth day, almost full moon, new year toads busy
Red lamps hung in front of buildings for the fifteenth day.
Very thin ice breaks up over green ponds and springheads.
Fish expecting to have fun.
Gardens already the weather to have blossom.



Fifteenth day: The first full moon on the lunar year is celebrated as Lantern Day

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