Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Ouyang Xiu: Bluish-Green Moss Encircles the Porches and Verandas: (Walk Along a Brightened Path)
Bluish-Green Moss Encircles the Porches and Verandas: (Walk Along a Brightened Path)
碧 蘚 回 廊: 踏 莎 行
碧 蘚 回 廊
绿 杨 深 院。
偷 期 夜 入 帘 犹 卷。
照 人 无 奈 月 华 明
潜 身 却 恨 花 深 浅。
密 约 如 沉
前 欢 未 便。
看 看 掷 尽 金 壶 箭。
阑 干 敲 遍 不 应 人
分 明 帘 下 闻 裁 剪。
Bi Xian Hui Lang: (Ta Sha Xing)
Bi xian hui lang
Lu yang shen yuan.
Tou qi ye ru lian you juan.
Zhao ren wu nai yue hua ming
Qian shen que hen hua shen qian.
Mi yue ru chen
Qian huan wei bian.
Kan kan zhi jin jin hu jian.
Lan gan qiao bian bu ying ren
Fen ming lian xia wen cai jian.
Bluish-Green Moss Encircles the Porches and Verandas: (Walk Along a Brightened Path)
Bluish-green moss encircles the porches and verandas
Green poplar trees deep inside the courtyards.
With the arrival of evening, he tries to slip in the entrance, but the curtains have yet to be unfurled.
And the moonlight is too bright and radiant.
Moving low and slow, the flowers and bushes are too short and thin.
He tries to enter without a meeting time.
Previous failed attempts, joy not yet found.
He waited all night till the water clock was almost dry
Crisscrossing her courtyard, his door knocks went unanswered
Part of the curtains have brightened, standing below he hears the sounds of scissors cutting.
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