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Meng Haoran: With City Recorder Jiu Bian, Climb Into the Xian Mountains on the Double-Ninth Holiday

With City Recorder Jia Bian, Climb Into the Xian Mountains on the Double-Ninth Holiday

和 賈 主 簿 弁 九 日 登 岘 山
楚 萬 重 陽 日
羣 公 赏 燕 来。
共 乘 休 沐 暇
同 醉 菊 花 杯。
逸 思 高 秋 發
歡 情 落 景 催。
國 人 咸 寡 和
遥 愧 洛 陽 才。
He Jia Zhu Bu Bian Jiu Ri Deng Xian Shan

Chu wan chong yang ri
Qun gong shang yan lai.
Gong cheng xiu mu xia
Tong zui ju hua bei.

Yi si gao qiu fa
Huan qing luo jing cui.
Guo ren xian gua he
Yao kui luo yang cai.

With City Recorder Jia Bian, Climb Into the Xian Mountains on the Double-Ninth Holiday

In Chu, ten thousand times with sunny days
Many gentlemen arrive in order to celebrate.
Together we take advantage of a government worker weekend
Share cups of chrysanthemum wine until drunk.

With leisure, think of elevated and advanced autumn productions
Sun going down quickens happy emotions.
Of all our compatriots, only a few can relate to him
Your Luoyang abilities and talents so far above me.



Xian Mountains: Located 70 miles east of the capital city Chang’an.

Double-Ninth Holiday: The ninth day of the ninth month on the lunar calendar. According to ancient Chinese tradition, from the Han Dynasty the number nine is considered a yang number, one half of the yin-yang dyad. Because of the double nines, this day exhibits too much yang energy, and is therefore potentially dangerous. To protect against this imbalance, it was, and is, customary to climb a mountain, drink chrysanthemum tea or wine, and wear the zhuyu plant, which is used to cleanse and cure illnesses.

Chu: (1030-223 BC) The kingdom of Chu comprised of the modern provinces of Hubei and Hunan, along with parts of six other provinces.

Luoyang: One of the ancient capital cities during Meng’s time.

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