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Li Yu: Go Across the Zhong River, Gaze Into the Distance to Shi City, Tears Falling Down

Go Across the Zhong River, Gaze Into the Distance to Shi City, Tears Falling Down

渡 中 江 望 石 城 泣 下
江 南 江 北 旧 家 乡
三 十 年 来 梦 一 场。
吴 苑 宫 闱 今 冷 落
广 陵 台 殿 已 莣 凉。
云 笼 远 岫 愁 千 片
雨 打 归 舟 泪 万 行。
兄 弟 四 人 三 百 口
不 堪 闲 坐 细 思 量。
Du Zhong Jiang Wang Shi Cheng Qi Xia

Jiang nan jiang bei jiu jia xiang
San shi nian lai meng yi chang.
Wu yuan gong wei jin leng luo
Guang ling tai sian yi mang liang.

Yun long yuan xiu chou qian pian
Yu da gui zhou lei wan hang.
Xiong di si ren san bai kou
Bu kan xian zuo xi si liang.


Go Across the Zhong River, Gaze Into the Distance to Shi City, Tears Falling Down

Rivers in the south, rivers to the north, for a long time my family hometown
Arrival here thirty years ago like one level open space dream.
Enclosed orchard, Wu palace side gates now cold and abandoned
Extensive hills, terraces and halls already overrun with weeds and silver grass.

Remote clouds and mists, mountain peaks with a thousand slices of sorrow
Rain striking returning boats, myriad tears in a long line.
Four brothers and I with three hundred mouths to feed
Unable to relax, we sit and think of what is to become of us.



Wu palace:  Also known now as the Daming Palace. It was the imperial residence for the Tang Dynasty emperors for 220 years. Empress Wu commissioned its construction in the year 660 AD. There is at least one well-done documentary film to be found on the Internet.

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