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Li Qingzhao: Try to Find

Try to Find

声 声 慢
寻 寻 觅 觅
冷 冷 清 清
凄 凄 惨 惨 戚 戚。
作 暖 还 寒 时 候
最 难 将 息。
三 杯 两 盏 淡 酒
怎 敌 他, 晚 来 风 急。
雁 过 也,却 是 旧 时 相 识。
满 地 黄 花 堆 积。
憔 悴 损,如 今 有 谁 堪 摘?
守 著 窗 儿
独 自 怎 生 得 黑?
悟 桐 更 兼 细 雨
到 黄 昏,点 点 滴 滴。
这 次 第,怎 一 个
愁 字 了 得?
Sheng Sheng Man

Xun xun mi mi
Leng leng qing qing
Qi qi can can qi qi.
Zuo nuan huan han shi hou
Zui nan jiang xi.

San bei liang zhan dan jiu
Zen di ta, wan lai feng ji.
Yan guo ye, zheng shang xin
Que shi jiu shi xiang shi.
Man di xi hua dui ji.

Qiao cui sun, ru jin you shei kan zhai?
Shou zhu chuang er
Du zi zen sheng dei hei?
Wu tong geng jian xi you
Dao xi hun, dian dian di di.
Zhe ci di, zen yi ge
chou zi le de?


Try to Find
(Slow Soft Sounds)

Look for, try to find
Very cold and cheerless, quiet and deserted
Mutual affection very tragic and sad.
Warmth beginning during the cold season
More difficult to take a breath.

Two or three small cups of weak wine
Why resist them, the restless wind arrives late.
Geese pass by, bringing pain to my heart-mind
In former times we had known each other well.
Gathered piles of yellow flowers packed into the earth
Ill, diminished and emaciated.

For today, who can pick us?
Looking out the window
By myself, why does it have to be so dark?
Parasol trees in sheets of gentle rain
Dusk arrives, drops slowly drip drip
What pattern of words could possibly express all of this?



Parasol trees: A deciduous tree native to Asia. Known for its fragrances that vary with the weather and time of day.

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