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Li Qingzhao: Autumn Red Lotus Flowers

Autumn Red Lotus Flowers

一 剪 梅
红 藕 香 残 玉 簟 秋
轻 解 罗 裳 独 上 兰 舟。
云 中 谁 奇 锦 书 来?
雁 学 回 时 月 满 西 楼。
花 自 飘 零 水 自 流
一 种 相 思 两 处 闲 愁。
此 情 无 计 可 消 除
才 下 眉 头 却 上 心 头。


Yi Jian Mei

Hong ou xiang can yu dian qiu
Qing jie luo chang du shang lan zhou.
Yun zhong shei qi jin shu lai?
Yan xue hui shi yue man xi lou.

Hua zi piao ling shui zi liu
Yi zhong xiang si liang chu xian chou.
Ci qing wu ji ke xiao chu
Cai xia mei tou que shang xin tou.


Autumn Red Lotus Flowers (One Cutting of Plum Blossoms)

Autumn red lotus flowers fragrant from a small bamboo seat
Remove my light wrap, board a solitary orchid boat
Who has come from the clouds to bring a letter to me?

Geese formations shaped like a word, the season for them to return under a full moon towards the western tower.

Flowers wither and fall, float by themselves on river flows
We are thinking of each other, two dwelling in idleness and worry.
These emotions without the relief of their disappearance or elimination
On the outside, eyebrows and hair may be well done, but loss has gone deeply into the heart and mind.



Geese overhead: Migrating geese flying overhead were a common metaphor for communications back and forth between two people (married couples) who were separated from each other over long distances.

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