又是一年重阳节,一句“每逢佳节倍思亲”,道出了异乡漂泊之人的共同感受。古代歌咏重阳节的诗词不知凡几,最为人熟知的要数唐代诗人王维的《九月九日忆山东兄弟》。下面就请大家欣赏这首诗的几个不同的英译版本。 九月九日忆山东兄弟 [唐] 王维 独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲。 遥知兄弟登高处, 遍插茱萸少一人。 On the Mountain Holiday…
Li Jue – Romance of the Three Kingdoms
“Li Jue” is a character in the classical Chinese novel “Romance of the Three Kingdoms.”
Set in the late Eastern Han dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period of China, the novel chronicles the stories of the rulers and warriors who lived during this time of political upheaval and warfare. “Li Jue” is one of the many characters in the book who plays a role in the events that unfold.
In the novel, Li Jue is depicted as a powerful and ruthless warlord who serves under the warlord Dong Zhuo. He is known for his military prowess and is feared by many for his cruel and sadistic nature. Despite his brutal reputation, Li Jue is also depicted as a cunning and strategic thinker, who is able to navigate the dangerous political landscape of the Three Kingdoms period.
Despite his strengths, Li Jue also faces challenges and obstacles in his journey. He must constantly contend with rival warlords and navigate the treacherous waters of the court politics of the Three Kingdoms period. However, despite these challenges, Li Jue remains a powerful and influential figure, and continues to play a significant role in the events of the novel.
“Romance of the Three Kingdoms” is widely considered one of the greatest works of Chinese literature, and its characters continue to be popular in Chinese culture to this day. Li Jue, along with other characters like Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, are household names in China and are often portrayed in film and television adaptations of the novel.
Overall, Li Jue is a dynamic and multi-faceted character in “Romance of the Three Kingdoms,” and his story adds to the rich tapestry of the novel’s portrayal of life during the Three Kingdoms period.
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