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Li Bai: Song at Jingzhou

Song at Jingzhou

荆 州 歌
白 帝 城 边 足 风 波
瞿 塘 五 月 谁 敢 过?
荆 州 麦 熟 茧 成 蛾
缲 丝 忆 君 头 绪 多。
拔 谷 飞 鸣 奈 妾 何?
Jing Zhou Ge

Bai di cheng bian zu feng bo
Ju tang wu yue shei gan guo?                                                                                                Jing zhou mai shu jian cheng e
Qiao si yi jun tou xu duo.
Ba gu fei niao nai qie he?


Song of Jingzhou

Bai Di city wall edge, full waves and wind
In May, who is brave enough to pass through Ju Tang?

Jingzhou grains have ripened, silk cocoons ready to produce
Cooked, pulling more and more threads while missing and recalling you.
Flying birds cry “Don’t go….don’t go.” How can I stop you?



Jingzhou: A city in central Hubei Province.

Bai Di city:  Ancient fortress and temple complex located on the northern banks of the Changjiang within the municipality of Chongqing.

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