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Li Bai: Going West to Lotus Blossom Mountain

Going West to Lotus Blossom Mountain

西 上 莲 花 山
西 上 莲 花 山
迢 迢 见 明 星。
素 手 把 芙 蓉
虚 步 蹑 太清。
霓 裳 曳 广 带
飘 拂 升 天 行。
邀 我 登 云 台
高 揖 卫 叔 卿。
恍 恍 与 之 去
驾 鸿 凌 紫 冥。
俯 视 洛 阳 川
芒 芒 走 胡 兵。
流 血 涂 野 草
豺 狼 尽 冠 缨。


Xi Shang Lian Hua Shan

Xi shang lian hua shan
Tiao tiao jian ming xing.
Su shou ba fu rong
Xu bu nie tai qing.

Ni chang ye guang dai
Piao fu sheng tian xing.
Yao wo deng yun tai
Gao yi wei shu qing.

Huang huang yu zhi qu
Jia hong ling zi ming.
Fu shi luo yang chuan
Mang mang zou hu bing.
Liu xie tu ye cao
Chai lang jin guan ying.


Going West to Lotus Blossom Mountain

Going west to Mt. Lian Hua
Far away see bright stars.
Simple skill to grasp lotus flowers
Then lightly tip-toe across the sky.

Pulling a wide rainbow streamer behind
Floating, wandering to climb up and touch the sky.
Seeking me, I climb the cloudy tower
Bow with hands clasped to legendary Wei Shuqing

All of a sudden I depart
Ride a goose high into the purple empyrean layer.
Looking down to see the Luoyang River
Boundless and vast, follow the soldiers of the northern rebels.
Flowing blood spread across open country grasses
Jackals and wolves feeding off those wearing caps with tassels.


Lotus Blossom Mountain: Range of mountains for 25 miles along the southern banks of the Changjiang. Noted for the sharp and jagged peaks.

Wei Shuqing: Li Bai often used immortals like him in his poems. After consuming some elixir, he departed for the clouds.

Luoyang River:  Luo River is located in western Henan.

Jackals and wolves:  The corrupt and criminal within the palace.

Caps and tassels: Ethical government officials.

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