Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Han Yu: Springtime Evenings: Four Poems
Springtime Feelings: Four Poems
感 春: 四 首
皇 天 平 分 成 四 时
春 气 漫 诞 最 可 悲。
杂 花 妆 林 草 盖 地
白 日 座 上 倾 天 维。
蜂 喧 鸟 咽 留 不 得
红 萼 万 片 从 风 吹。
岂 如 秋 霜 虽 惨 冽
摧 落 老 物 谁 惜 之。
为 此 径 须 沽 酒 饮
自 外 天 地 弃 不 疑。
近 怜 李,杜 无 检 束
烂 漫 长 醉 多 文 辞。
屈 原 “离 骚” 二 十 五
不 肯 哺 啜 糟 与 醨。
惜 哉 此 子 巧 言 语
不 到 圣 处 宁 非 痴。
辛 逢 尧 舜 明 四 目
条 例 品 汇 皆 得 宜。
平 明 出 门 暮 归 舍
酩 酊 马 上 知 为 谁。
Gan Chun Si Shou
Huang tian ping fen cheng si shi
Chun qi man dan zui ke bei.
Za hua zhuang lin cao gai di
Bai ri zuo shang qing tian wei.
Feng xuan niao yan liu bu de
Hong e wan pian cong feng chui.
Qi ru qiu shuang sui can lie
Cui luo lao wu shei xi zhi.
Wei ci jing xu gu jiu yin
Zi wai tian di qi bu yi.
Jin lian li, du wu jian shu
Lan man chang zui duo wen ci.
Qu yuan “Li Sao” er shi wu
Bu ken bu chuo zao yu li.
Xi zai ci zi qiao yan yu
Bu dao sheng chu ning fei chi.
Xin feng yao shun ming si mu
Tiao li pin hui jie de yi.
Ping ming chu men mu gui she
Ming ding ma shang zhi wei shei.
Springtime Feelings: Four Poems
New imperial skies shared by all four seasons
Springtime air overflows to cover up melancholy.
Variety of flowers adorn the grasses that blanket the earth
Daytime places waiting for the skies to change.
Noisy birds and bees, mists depart but they can linger
Thousands of red calyxes and petals follow the blowing winds.
Not like the cold and tragedy of autumn frosts
Who can soon appreciate the old, falling down things.
Make my footpaths that lead to the purchases of wine
Naturally abandon the outsides of heaven and earth.
Sympathize and know why Li Bai and Du Fu untied the knots that bound them
Unpretentious and long-time drunks produced culture and writings of dismissal.
Qu Yuan wrote “Li Sao” and twenty-five other classic poems
He did not consent to eat and drink weak leftovers from others.
Former years, these poets had clever literary language
Never want to leave these places of inspiration, more crazy than tranquil.
Fortunately we now encounter and understand the four eyes of emperors Yao and Shun
New imperial rules and organization higher in quality gives all the people hope.
Early mornings go out the door, at sunset return home
Not given a position, I am drunk upon my horse waiting.
Li Bai: (701-762 AD) Famous Tang Dynasty poet. See also this website for his poems and biography.
Du Fu: (712-770) Famous Tang Dynasty poet. See also this website for his poems and biography.
Emperors Yao and Shun: Two of four ancient emperors revered as the best of the best.
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