Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Han Yu: Drunk, Send This Gift to Scribe Zhang
Drunk, Send This As a Gift to Scribe Zhang
醉 赠 张 秘 书
人 皆 劝 我 酒
我 若 耳 不 闻。
今 日 到 君 家
呼 酒 持 劝 君。
为 此 座 上 客
及 余 各 能 文。
君 诗 多 态 度
蔼 蔼 春 空 云。
东 野 动 惊 俗
天 葩 吐 奇 纷。
张 籍 学 古 淡
轩 鹤 避 鸡 群。
阿 买 不 识 字
颇 知 书 八 分。
诗 成 使 之 写
亦 足 张 吾 军。
所 以 欲 得 酒
为 文 俟 其 醺。
酒 味 既 泠 洌
酒 气 又 氛 氲。
性 情 渐 浩 浩
谐 笑 方 云 云。
此 城 得 酒 意
余 外 徒 缤 纷。
长 安 众 富 儿
盘 馔 罗 膻 荤。
不 解 文 字 饮
惟 能 醉 红 裙。
虽 得 一 饷 乐
有 如 聚 飞 蚊。
今 我 及 数 子
固 无 莸 与 薰。
险 语 破 鬼 胆
高 词 媲 皇 坟。
至 宝 不 雕 琢
神 功 谢 锄 耘。
方 今 向 泰 平
元 凯 承 华 勋。
吾 徒 幸 无 事
庶 以 穷 朝 曛。
Zui Zeng Zhang Mi Shu
Ren jie quan wo jiu
Wo ruo er bu wen.
Jin ri dao jun jia
Hu jiu chi quan jun.
Wei ci zuo shang ke
Ji yu ge neng wen.
Jun shi duo tai du
Ai ai chun kong yun.
Dong ye dong jing su
Tian pa tu qi fen.
Zhang ji xue gu dan
Xuan he bi ji qun.
A mai bu shi zi
Po zhi shu ba fen.
Shi cheng shi zhi xie
Yi zu zhang wu jun.
Suo yi yu de jiu
Wei wen si qi xun.
Jiu wei ji ling lie
Jiu qi you fen yun.
Xing qing jian hao hao
Xie xiao fang yun yun.
Ci cheng de jiu yi
Yu wai tu bin fen.
Chang an zhong fu er
Pan zhuan luo shan hun.
Bu jie wen zi yin
Wei neng zui hong qun.
Sui de yi xiang le
You ru ju fei wen.
Jin wo ji shu zi
Gu wu you yu xun.
Xian yu po gui dan
Gao ci pi huang fen.
Zhi bao bu diao zhuo
Shen gong xie chu yun.
Fang jin xiang tai ping
Yuan kai cheng hua xun.
Wu tu xing wu shi
Shu yi qiong zhao xun.
Drunk, Send This As a Gift to Scribe Zhang
Everyone encourages me to drink more wine
My ears do not listen to this.
Today I arrive at your house
Ah, urge you to drink down your wine.
Make room and more seats for the guests
Eventually we are able to write good poems for each other.
Your poems have a variety of styles and temperaments
Spring skies quickly turn from no clouds to being dark to hazy.
They are like eastern wilderness migrations that startle long-held customs
And heavenly flowers emerging strange and various.
Zhang’s pages full of learning and ancient elegance
Cranes and curtained carriages avoid the flocks of chickens.
Servant boy does not know the characters
Rather he is adept at filling in the character practice books.
Uses our writings as models for this copying
Sufficient enough to expand the numbers of our followers.
Can expect more wine to come our way
Drunk with wine and cultural activities.
Scent of clear wine already fresh and cool
This atmosphere of wine drinking leads us to a sticky togetherness.
These feelings and temperaments saturated with what is vast and grand
Harmony and laughter flows around and around.
Wine opens up expectations of honesty
The riotous profusion of outside insincerity not heard.
Numerous wealthy children now in Chang’an
Trays of fish and displayed slices of meat.
Their drinking parties are without culture and poetry
They are only able to drink and play with the red skirts.
With courage, our spirit produces a dangerous language
Our fine poems match the imperial ancestors.
Exquisite and natural minerals do not require an elaborate carving style
Master gardener Shen Gong does not need to own a weeding hoe.
Today, the nation peaceful and harmonious
The highly talented can undertake radiant achievements.
Our happiness and good fortune needs nothing more
Our success to spend our days in simplicity and anticipation.
Wine and cultural activities often went hand-in-hand with the ancient Chinese literati.
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