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Du Mu: Send This Gift to the Southern Mountains For Monk Lan Ruo

Send This Gift to the Southern Mountains For Monk Lan Ruo

赠 终 南 兰 若 僧
家 在 城 南 杜 曲 旁
两 枝 仙 桂 一 时 芳。
禅 师 都 未 知 名 姓
始 觉 空 门 意 味 长。
Zeng Zhong Nan Lan Ruo Seng

Jia zai cheng nan du qu pang
Liang zhi xian gui yi shi fang.                                                                                              Chan shi dou wei zhi ming xing
Shi jue kong men yi wei chang.


Send This As a Gift to the Southern Mountains
For Buddhist Monk Lan Ruo

His house next to Du Qu, south of the capital city Chang’an
Two branches of immortal acanthus fragrant in one season.

This Buddhist master has not heard of my famous surname
Begin to be aware of Buddhist ideas, and then take a long time to
reflect upon them.



Southern Mountains: Mountains to the south of Chang’an.

Chang’an: Ancient capital and modern day city of Xi’an.

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