Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Du Mu: On the Highway to the Southern Hills
On the Highway to Southern Hills
南 陵 道 中
南 陵 水 面 漫 悠 悠
风 紧 云 轻 欲 变 秋。
正 是 客 心 孤 迥 处
谁 家 红 袖 凭 江 楼。
Nan Ling Dao Zhong
Nan ling shui mian man you you
Feng jin yun qing yu bian qiu. Zheng shi ke xin gu jiong chu
Shei jia hong xiu ping jiang lou.
On the Highway to the Southern Hills
Southern hills with numerous bodies of water everywhere
Transforming into autumn, quickening winds and high clouds.
Heart-mind solitary in this remote place, only visitor is the autumn moon
From whose house do the red sleeves show a riverside tower.
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