Feelings Arise: Eight Poems: Nos. 7 and 8 感 兴: 八 首…
Du Mu: Early Spring Rain, Again In a Boat on the Heng River to Hezhou
Early Spring Rain, Again In a Boat on the Heng River to Hezhou, Send Pei Shi to See and Meet Li and Zhao, the Two Taking the Same Exams Arrive, Because of Four Sweet Sound Books Praise Jiangnan, Help From Our Ancestors
初 春 雨 中 舟 次 和 州 横 江, 裴 使 君 见 迎, 李 赵 二 秀 才 同 来, 因 书 四 韵, 兼 寄 江 南 许 浑 先 辈
芳 草 渡 头 微 雨 时
万 株 杨 柳 拂 波 垂。
蒲 根 水 暖 雁 初 浴
梅 径 香 寒 蜂 未 知。
辞 客 倚 风 吟 暗 淡
使 君 回 马 湿 旌 旗。
江 南 仲 蔚 多 情 调
怅 望 春 阴 几 首 诗!
Chu Chun Yu Zhong Zhou Ci He Zhou Heng Jiang, Pei Shi Jun Jian Ying, Li Zhao Er Xiu Cai Tong Lai, Yin Shu Si Yun, Jian Ji Jiang Nan Xu Hun Xian Bei
Fang cao du tou wei yu shi
Wan zhu yang liu fu bo chui.
Pu gen shui nuan yan chu yu
Mei jing xiang han feng wei zhi.
Ci ke yi feng yin an dan
Shi jun hui ma shi jing qi.
Jiang nan zhong wei duo qing tiao
Chang wang chun yin ji shou shi!
Early Spring Rain, Again In a Boat on the Heng River to Hezhou, Send Pei Shi to See and Meet Li and Zhao, the Two Taking the Same Exams Arrive, Because of Four Sweet Sound Books Praise Jiangnan, Help From Our Ancestors
Ferry crossing with fragrant grasses in a light rain
Myriad poplar and willow stumps touched by approaching waves.
Water for cattail roots and the geese that begin to bathe
Bees not aware of cold plum blossoms along the fragrant paths.
Guests leaving soft sighs and sounds on the wind
Send you by horse back with wet banners and flags.
Jiangnan brings many harmonious emotions like Mr. Xie
Disappointed my future not with him, in spring shadows writing several excellent poems.
Heng River: A tributary to the Qiantang River, which is tributary to the Changjiang in Zhejiang Province.
Hezhou: A city in Guangxi Province.
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