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Du Fu: Qiang Village: Three Poems

Qiang Village: Three Poems

羌 村:三 首
峥 嵘 赤 云 西
日 脚 下 平 地 。
柴 门 鸟 雀 噪
归 客 千 里 至。
妻 孥 怪 我 在
惊 定 还 拭 泪。
世 乱 遭 飘 荡
生 还 偶 然 遂。
邻 人 满 墙 头
感 叹 亦 歔 欷 。
夜 阑 更 秉 烛
相 对 如 梦 寐。
Qiang Cun: San Shou

Zheng rong chi yun xi
Ri jiao xia ping di
Chai men niao qiao zao
Gui ke qian li zhi

Qi nu guai wo zai
Jing ding huan shi lei.
Shi luan zao piao dang
Sheng huan ou ran sui.

Lin ren man qiang tou
Gan tan yi xu xi
Ye lan geng bing zhu
Xiang dui ru meng mei.

Qiang Village: Three Poems

Red western clouds towering and steep
Down below the sun, footprints on the level fields.
Scrapwood doors and gates, sparrows chirping
For a returning visitor from hundreds of miles away.

Wife and children surprised at my appearance
Realizing that I am real, they wipe away their tears.
A chaotic society meets with danger and disarray
Going back now makes life satisfactory and fortuitous.

Neighbors atop the wall fully satisfied
With grateful sighs and tears of joy.
Late evening relief, at midnight my wife and I hold a candle
Facing each other until we sleep and dream.



When this poem was written, probably in 757, China had a new emperor, and Du Fu had been appointed to a new and minor position. He came out of being confined to inside the city walls of the capital Chang’an, and has now gone home to visit his family.

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