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Bai Juyi: Begin This Position of Inspector

Begin This Position of Inspector

初 授 拾 遗
奉 诏 登 在 掖
束 带 参 朝 议。
何 言 初 命 卑
且 脱 风 尘 吏。
杜 甫 陈 子 昂
才 名 括 天 地。
当 时 非 不 遇
尚 无 过 斯 位。
况 子 蹇 薄 者
宠 至 不 自 意。
惊 近 白 日 光
惭 非 青 云 器。
天 子 方 从 谏
朝 庭 无 忌 讳。
岂 不 思 匪 躬
适 遇 时 无 事。
受 命 已 旬 月
饱 食 随 班 次。
谏 纸 忽 盈 箱
对 之 终 自 愧。


Chu Shou She Yi

Feng zhao deng zhuo ye
Shu dai can zhao yi.
He yan chu ming bei
Qie tuo feng chen li.

Du fu chen zi ang
Cai ming kuo tian di.
Dang shi fei bu yu
Shang wu guo si wei.

Kuang yu jian bao zhe
Chong zhi bu zi yi.
Jing jin bai ri guang
Can fei qing yun qi.

Tian zi fang cong jian
Zhao ting wu ji hui.
Qi bu si fei gong
Shi yu shi wu shi.

Shou ming yi xun yue
Bao shi sui ban ci.
Jian zhi hu ying xiang
Dui zhi zhong zi kui.


Begin This Position of Inspector

Promoted by imperial edict to serve in the document library section
Cinch up my palace uniform for the dawn imperial audience.
Who said those coming into the palace to begin their new job has to be humble
For now I am above those petty officials roaming through the country sides.

Du Fu in this position held his head up high
His name and ability incorporated Heaven and Earth.
At this time he was unknown and opposed
People of this high quality are passed by for any advanced position.

My situation unlucky, had to endure the weak and thin
Enjoy and indulge this lowly position unexpectedly.
Startled being so close to the light and scenery of the Emperor
A bit of shame for I am not comfortable being in these sacred clouds.

Emperor wanted our honest criticisms
Dawn front courtyard audiences without envy or fears.
How can I not express my true thoughts
Good time to meet without any hard feelings.

My destiny to receive already these fifteen days of service
Follow the imperial schedules, stomach always full.
Suddenly I realize the suggestion box is very large and full
Eventually realized those too critical will pay a price.



Excellent summary of the life of a high official working within the imperial palace.  Probably also competently describes the current situation inside Washington DC, and other such places.


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